Cradle to Cradle Product Design Challenge
Click here to check out the winners of the latest round of the Cradle to Cradle Product Design Challenge!
Course Information
The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute is offering this free web-based education program to provide practical instruction for product designers in the application of ‘cradle to cradle’ design principles. The course challenges you to design to ensure that the materials that go into your products can return safely to industry or nature at a product’s end of use.
The course is presented in six sections:
Overview of Cradle to Cradle philosophy and certification
- Material Health
- Material Reutilization
- Renewable Energy
- Water Stewardship
- Social Fairness
DURATION: 2 hours
COST: Free
REGISTER HERE to take the course.
Click here for the latest information on the Cradle to Cradle Product Design Challenge
Get inspired!
Now that you are equipped with the tools and skills to design for the circular economy, it’s time to apply those skills to an awesome design. If you’re struggling to find a good idea for a design, fear not! We have created a module just for you! Following the Design Course, check out the last module (titled, Apply your learning – Join the Design Challenge) which will help you through the ideation process, give you a quick start tutorial on the Fusion 360 design tool, and show you examples from prior winners. It's easier than ever to get started on designing for the future.
Design Challenge Webinar: Activating Sustainable Design with Autodesk Fusion 360
Find out how to take your sustainable design to the next level with Autodesk Fusion 360™. Combining industrial and mechanical design, collaboration, and machining in a single package, Fusion 360 enables fast and easy exploration of design ideas with an integrated concept-to-production platform. Watch on demand here.
"Introduction to Autodesk Fusion 360: Design Products for the Circular Economy."
The session will offer an introduction for getting started with Fusion 360, and provide helpful tips for designing efficiently and effectively. You’ll also hear from recent Design Challenge winner Barent Roth who will explain how Fusion 360 helped turn his product idea into a winning design submission, the BikeShare Helmet. Watch here.